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A Celebration of Life

Today my sister, Elizabeth Swift Timms, would have turned 37. For a long time I’ve known that today would be a very difficult day so I felt it was appropriate on her birthday not to mourn but to indeed celebrate her remarkable life. Exactly 2 months ago we held her Celebration of Life in Houston,…

Grocery Shopping

Does your family have a fundamental difference when it comes to grocery shopping? Does the way that someone shops for food on a weekly/daily basis make you mad? In all the times that my parents have been down to Chile to take care of me, I think they have seen the inside of the Jumbo…


Last Monday, I voluntarily checked myself into the hospital to have a little surgery on my brain. The doctors, Jon, and my parents kept telling me it was a normal procedure and that many people have wires and small boxes in their head.   When Dr. M arrived home from vacation, he did his due diligence,…

A Surprise Trip Home

For an expat, the concept of “home” is difficult to define. Is it the country you are currently living in? Is it the place where you grew up? Is it the city where you attended university? On my recent trip to the states, I thought a lot about the concept of home. Two weeks ago…